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Computer Short-Cuts

My favorite keyboard shortcuts.  Practice and learn these; the efficiency of using a computer will be greatly increased.

Used in many programs:

   Ctrl+A         Select All
   Ctrl+C         Copy
   Ctrl+V         Paste
   Ctrl+X         Cut
   Ctrl+Alt+V   Paste Special

   Ctrl-B         Bold
   Ctrl-I           Italics
   Ctrl-U         Underline
   Ctrl+Z        Undo (last typing)
   Ctrl+Y        Redo (undo's last undo)
   Ctrl+F        Find
   Ctrl+P        Print
   Ctrl-N         New document
   Ctrl+S        Save
   Double click a word                       To select it
   Select text (drag across words)    Drag to new position even a different file

   Alt-Tab                     (hold Alt down, press Tab, release Alt to select new window)
   Print Screen              Copy screenshot to clipboard
   Alt-Print Screen        Copy Active window to clipboard
   Alt Space X              (press each key separately) Maximize window
   Alt Space C              (press each key separately) Close active window
   Windows Key+E       Opens Explorer
   Windows Key+M      Minimize all open windows
   Windows Key+R      Then type- "msconfig" to change "startup" programs
   Ctrl-Shift-Esc           Open Task Manager
   F1                             Help
   F2                             Edit text of selected icon or file name

Internet Explorer:
   Ctrl-Enter                Adds: http://www. .com/ to text on the URL line
   Space                      Next page
   Tab                         Move between items on a web page
   Backspace              Back
   Ctrl-W                    Close active window
   F5                           Refresh window
   ALT+Home            Go to home page
   UP ARROW           Scroll up
   DOWN ARROW    Scroll down
   Page Up                  Big Scroll up
   Page Down             Big Scroll down
   Home                      Jump to beginning of page
   End                         Jump to end of page

Google Desktop: (download this from  )
   Ctrl Ctrl                   (press Ctrl twice) Opens Google search box

Excel short cuts:
   Ctrl +                  Add row or column
   Ctrl -                   Delete row or column
   Ctrl;                    Date
   Ctrl Shift;            Date & Time
   Ctrl ‘                   Copy cell from above
   Ctrl Space           Select column
   Ctrl Home           Select cell A1
   Ctrl End              Select last row and column cell
   Ctrl Page             Down Move to the next sheet
   Ctrl Page             Up Move to the previous sheet
   Ctrl K                  Insert Hyperlink
   Shift arrow          Select next cells
   Shift End arrow   Select to end
   Shift Space          Select row
   Alt =                    Autosum select cells
   Alt 167                (Adds º such as  150º) using number pad to type numbers while holding Alt
   Alt Enter             Start a new line in the same cell
   =today()              Puts today's Date in selected cell
   =now()                Puts  Date and Time in selected cell
   Double click cell edge Jumps to beginning or end
   F1                      Help
   F2                      Edit cell
   F4                      Repeat last action
   F7                      Spell check
   Shift-clicking the worksheet tabs
                             Select multiple worksheets in Excel by at the bottom of the screen
                             New entries go onto all selected worksheets