Yesterday, a relative was having trouble learning how to my files from her camera's memory card to her netbook. I was giving her step by step instructions on the phone when I realized this is a perfect time to try "Windows Remote Assistance" . The program allows two computers to be connected through the Internet or a local area network. It uses Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) which is a peer-to-peer protocol designed by Microsoft.
"Windows Remote Assistance" is a Microsoft program that is built into Windows XP, Vista , and Windows 7. The Windows 7 version now has "Easy Connect" and it worked perfectly. In a few minutes, I was able to see and control her computer screen from my computer. I was then able to show her how to create a new folder for the photos and to move the files. I was then able to watch her do the same tasks and to show her what she was doing wrong. It was much easier than just talking her through the steps on the phone!
Here are the instructions on how to use "Windows Remote Assistance" on Windows 7 computers:
- On the remote computer:
- Press the "Windows-Start" key
- type "windows remote assistance" select it
- click on "Invite someone you trust to help you"
- click on "Use Easy Connect"- you will see a password
- On the host computer (the controlling computer)
- click on "Help someone who has invited you"
- (click "Help someone new" if this appears)
- click on "Use Easy Connect"
- Type in the password
- On the remote computer: click on Yes (response to "Would you like to allow Administrator to connect to your computer")
- On the host computer you should see the remote computers desktop
- On the tool bar for Windows Remote Assistance, at the top of the screen, click on "Request control"
- On the remote computer click on Yes (response to "Would you like to allow Administrator to share control of your desktop?"
The second time Windows Remote Assistance is used, after the invite and help steps, select the previous helper and remote computers without the password.
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